Completed Events
Paranormal Investigation
Salt Lake City, Utah
Friday, February 21, 2025, at 8:30 PM

This historic downtown Salt Lake City building was constructed in 1913 for “The Ladies’ Literary Club” (which was the oldest women’s club in the United States west of the Mississippi River) and is on the National Historic Register.
The event includes:
- A brief presentation of the history of the venue and paranormal safety procedures.
- Breaking up into groups that will be led by experienced paranormal investigators.
- A light snack including a bag of chips, and a water or soda.
- Investigating the “CLUBHOUSE”.
- A brief review of our experiences at the end of the event.
The CLUBHOUSE locations include:
- Patio (11’ x 50’ – Outdoor)
- Entry Lobby (20’ x 20’ on the main floor)
- Drawing Room (26’ x 20’ on the main floor)
- Auditorium (51’ x 43’ on the main floor)
- Stage (31’ x 17’ on the main floor)
- Kitchen and Storage (14’ x 18’ on the main floor)
- Restrooms (2 on the main floor)
- UpstairsLibrary/Studio (34’ x 20’ above Drawing Room)
- Back-stage Green Room (10’ x 13’ – above Stage)
- Back-stage Green Room (8’ x 10’ – above Kitchen)
- Restrooms (2 in the basement)
- Additional basement rooms
“Indian Hills Horror”
haunted house
See Haunt
Provo, Utah
** Scare Nights **
Friday, October 25th & Saturday, October 26th from 8 PM until 11 PM
Halloween – Thursday, October 31st from 8 PM until 10 PM
** No Scare Walkthrough **
(No “actors” will be scaring attendees.”)
Wednesday, October 30th from 7 PM until 9 PM
The free “Indian Hills Horror” home haunt started in Indian Hills at Provo, Utah in 2008 to celebrate the fun spirit of the “spooky season” and Halloween! We moved it to its current location in west Provo in 2017.
American Fork Library
Free Mini “Dead Talk” presentation
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
64 S 100 E
American Fork, UT 84003
Leavitt’s Aultorest Memorial Park (Cemetery) Paranormal Investigation
Ogden, Utah
Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 8:30 PM
Leavitt’s Aultorest Memorial Park cemetery is the largest family-owned cemetery in Ogden consisting of 60 beautifully landscaped acres in a peaceful neighborhood near the mountains.
Chapman Branch Library
Free Mini “Dead Talk” presentation
Friday, October 11, 2024 at 6:00 P.M.
577 S 900 W
Salt Lake City, Utah 84104-1302
DSF Huish Performing Arts and Cultural Events Center (PACE)
Theater Paranormal Investigation
Payson, Utah
Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 8:30 PM
We held our “Dead Talk” paranormal presentation (60 to 90 minutes) and investigation (until midnight) at the Huish Performing Arts and Cultural Events Center (the historic Huish theater) in Payson, Utah on Saturday, October 5th, 2024.
Springville Public Library
Free Mini “Dead Talk” presentation
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.
45 S Main Street
Springville, UT 84663
The Mystic Frog
Free Mini “Dead Talk” presentation
Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 7:00 P.M.
650 N. Geneva Road
Orem, Utah, 84057
Family Tree Restaurant Building
Santaquin, Utah
Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 8:30 PM

On September 14, we’re conducted a paranormal investigation at the old “Family Tree Restaurant” building in Santaquin, Utah.
DSF Huish Performing Arts and Cultural Events Center (PACE)
Theater Paranormal Investigation
Payson, Utah
Saturday, August 17, 2024 at 8:30 PM

We held our “Dead Talk” paranormal presentation and investigation at the Huish Performing Arts and Cultural Events Center (the historic Huish theater) in Payson, Utah.
Benson Grist Mill Paranormal Investigation
Stansbury Park, Utah
Friday, July 19th, 2024

On July 19, we conducted a paranormal investigation at the Historic Benson Grist Mill in Stansbury Park, Utah.
Mercur Cemetery Investigation
Mercur, Utah
Saturday, June 15th, 2024 from 8:30 PM to Midnight

On June 15, we conducted a paranormal investigation at the old Mercur Cemetery in Mercur, Utah.
The Mercur Cemetery is an abandoned, primitive cemetery approximately 60 miles (1 hour) southwest of Salt Lake City.
We started at 8:30 P.M. at the cemetery at the top of the hill.
Family Tree Restaurant Building
Santaquin, Utah
Saturday, May 18th, 2024 from 8 PM to Midnight

On May 18, we conducted a paranormal investigation at the old “Family Tree Restaurant” building in Santaquin, Utah. We sold out this investigation!
The restaurant is closed (so no food or scones) and the building is being remodeled so it is in a state of chaos!
This building is one of the most haunted sites in Utah and has been the subject of several paranormal shows including “Ghost Adventures”, “Undead Files”, and others.
Family Tree Restaurant Building
Santaquin, Utah
Friday, May 17th, 2024 from 8 PM to Midnight

On Friday, May 17, we conducted a “bonus” paranormal investigation at the old “Family Tree Restaurant” building in Santaquin, Utah. We sold out this investigation!
The restaurant is closed (so no food or scones) and the building is being remodeled so it is in a state of chaos!
This building is one of the most haunted sites in Utah and has been the subject of several paranormal shows including “Ghost Adventures”, “Undead Files”, and others.
Peteetneet Museum Paranormal Investigation, Payson Utah
Saturday, March 16, 2023, 8:30 PM to Midnight

“Indian Hills Horror Haunt…”
Friday, October 27th, Saturday, October 28th, and Halloween Tuesday, October 31st!
For information, click HERE.
Peteetneet Museum Paranormal Investigation, Payson, Utah
Saturday, October 28, 2023, 8:00 PM to Midnight

Paranormal Presentation at Springville Library, Springville, Utah
Monday, October 23, 2023
Paranormal Presentation at American Fork Library, American Fork, Utah
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Paranormal Presentation at Chapman Library, Salt Lake City Utah
Friday, October 6, 2023
Paranormal Investigation at Rock Canyon Trailhead Park,
Provo, Utah
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Pioche Nevada Ghost Town Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, August 12, 2023

Camp Floyd Stage Coach Inn Utah State Park paranormal investigation
Saturday, June 3, 2023

Paranormal Investigation at Peteetneet School & Museum in Payson
Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
on Saturday, April 8th at 8:30 PM

Paranormal Investigation at Fort Douglas Museum in Salt Lake City
Saturday, February 18th, 2023

“Dead Talks, a Paranormal Experience” at The Towne Hub Theater
Saturday, October 29, 2022

Thanks to our team members who helped with this investigation: Kristy, Skyler, Derrek, Ravyn, & Chad
Paranormal Investigation at the Leavitt’s Aultorest Memorial Park
(Cemetery) in Ogden
Saturday, October 22, 2022

Thanks to our team members who helped with this investigation: Kristy, Sylvia, Nate, Derrek, Ravyn, & Chad
“Dead Talks, a Paranormal Experience” presentation & Investigation
at The Towne Hub Theater
Friday, September 16, 2022

Thanks to our team members who helped with this
presentation & investigation: Kristy, Heather, Ravyn, & Chad
Mercur Cemetery, Mercur, Utah
Saturday, August 6th, 2022

Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Bill, Danniel, Skyler, Sylvia, Vivian, Ravyn, & Chad.
Benson Grist Mill, Stansbury Park, Utah
Friday, June 24, 2022

Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Emmett, Jess, Skyler, Vivian, Ravyn, & Chad.
Kiwanis Park at Battle Creek Canyon
Pleasant Grove, Utah
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, May 14, 2022

Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Emmett, Rogue, Ravyn, and Chad.
Peteetneet School and Museum
Paranormal Investigation
Payson, Utah
Saturday, March 19th, 2022

Back by popular demand! It was so much fun in October, and we have had so many requests to do it again, we went back to the Peteeteneet School and Museum on March 19th.
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Candice, Denise, Emmett, Mary, Nate, Sylvia, Ravyn, and Chad.
The Towne Hub Theater
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, January 15, 2022

Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Candice, Denise, Emmett, Mary, Nate, Rogue, Sylvia, Ravyn, and Chad.
Free “Indian Hills Horror” haunt
Friday, October 29, 2021
Saturday, October 30, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021
For more information, see our Free “Indian Hills Horror” haunt page.

Thanks to our great team members who helped with this event: Klaus, Ravyn, and Chad.
Peteetneet Museum
Paranormal Investigation
Friday, October 15, 2021
Payson, Utah

We had a fantastic investigation at the Peteetneet Museum in Payson, Utah.
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation.
Bridgerland ParaX
Paranormal Expo
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Cache County Events Center
Logan, Utah
Advanced Paranormal Services had a booth where we meet several Supernatural Hour podcast listeners and sold paranormal-related merchandise.
For information about Bridgerland ParaX Paranormal Expo, click here!
Fort Douglas Museum
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Salt Lake City, Utah

We had a great event at Fort Douglas Museum. A great venue, great museum staff, and fun investigators made this an outstanding event.
It was a beautiful fall night in Salt Lake City with good people and with lots of paranormal activity.
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Ravyn, Rouge, Chad, Chuck, Sylvia, and Nate.
Supernatural Hour Insiders
Summer Shindig and
Paranormal Investigation at Rock Canyon
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Provo, Utah

This special event was for our Supernatural Hour Insiders (patrons), their guests, and our team members. We had a great potluck dinner which included “Chick-fil-A” chicken strips, special dishes from our “Insiders” and team members, and an assortment of Crumble cookies.
It was a beautiful summer night at the mouth of Rock Canyon with good people and with lots of paranormal activity.
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Candace (and Matt), Emmett, Kelly, Rogue, Ravyn, and Chad.
Join us at next year’s Supernatural Hour Insiders summer event by becoming an Insider (patron) at
Wheeler Historic Farm
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Salt Lake City, Utah

We had a great event at Wheeler Farm! A stormy night, a great venue, and fun investigators made this an outstanding event.
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Emmett, Rogue, Ravyn, and Chad.
Barbary Coast Saloon
“Witchin’ Hour” Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Salt Lake City, Utah

We had a great experience at Salt Lake City’s classic biker bar, the Barbary Coast Saloon when we investigated this active location.
Several employees have experienced unusual paranormal activity while working.
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Emmett, Rogue, Ravyn, and Chad.
Mercur Cemetery
Service Project
Saturday, May 1, 2021
Mercur, Utah

We have a fabulous time at the Mercur Cemetery Service Project. And many thanks to all those who participated to make this an outstanding service project. Several of the gravesites have been damaged by vandals and others just because of time. We steadied many of the most at-risk fences, replaced broken fence slates, re-painted many of the fence slats, and filled in one grave that has been partially dug up.
Boar Off-Road, a family-oriented outdoor recreation, training, and service group partnered with Advanced Paranormal Services to host this important service project.
At the end of the service project, Ravyn (from the Supernatural Hour Podcast) played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes and we had a short investigation. We briefly chatted with the resident spirits to see if they approve of our efforts and they did!
Union Square Mall
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Salt Lake City, Utah

With a group of 25 investigators (some of which were first-time investigators, we investigated locations both inside and outside at several locations at the Union Square Mall (one of Utah’s oldest strip malls) in Sandy Utah.
It was a fun evening and well will investigate there again in the future.
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Emmett, Rogue, Ravyn, and Chad.
Dalton’s Steakhouse
Dinner and Investigation
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Payson, Utah

We had a delicious dinner and a very active investigation at Dalton’s Steakhouse in Payson.
Thanks to everyone who came for your participation. And many thanks to the owners of Dalton’s Steakhouse for preparing an excellent dinner and letting us investigate the restaurant.
We have been invited back to have another dinner and investigation in the future and we will do it!
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Candace, Rouge, Ravyn, and Chad.
The 2020 Year in Review Zoom Meeting
Friday, November 13, 2021
Zoom Meeting
Because of the mandatory COVID 19 restrictions announced by Utah’s Governor, Advanced Paranormal Services’ 2020 Year in Review and Dinner that was to be held at the Layton Golden Corral on Friday, November 13, at 7:00 PM was canceled.
We were disappointed not to be able to meet in person and have dinner with our Advanced Paranormal Services friends but enjoyed virtually getting together with several of them, reviewing our 2020 investigations, talking about upcoming events, and hearing their experiences.
Indian Hills Horror
The 2020 Indian Hills Horror haunt was canceled due to COVID-19 concerns.
Sorry, but the 2020 Halloween season events had to be canceled due to COVID-19 concerns.
They plan to continue “scaring” people of all ages in the 2021 Halloween season. please check back next year, and have a “Happy Halloween!”

Click HERE to see the YouTube video of the 2019 Indian Hills Horror haunt!
An Ogden Cemetery
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Ogden, Utah

We had a great investigation at a cemetery in Ogden. It was a perfect night with a great group of people and we had lots of activity. And those old headstones in the oldest part of the cemetery…, can you say awesome? Thanks to everyone who came for your participation. And many thanks to the owners of the cemetery for letting us investigate their beautiful grounds. We hope to be able to return to this outstanding venue in the future.
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Aleca R., Amber C., Candace N., DeAnn T., Don T., Jamie C., Mike F., Teri F.
The Mercur Cemetery
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, September 19, 2020
Tooele County, Utah

What a creepy place to investigate in the dark! The dilapidated picket fences around many of the old burial plots really added to the awesome ambiance of this venue. This paranormally active, historic cemetery is a must-see and a must-investigate! Because of the small size of the old Mercur cemetery, we always keep the number of participants of this investigation low. We will return to Mercur Cemetery in the next year or two. When we do, get your tickets early to reserve your spot!
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Candace N., DeAnn T., Don T., Mike F., Mark M.
The Rock Canyon
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, June 21, 2020
Provo, Utah

This was our first public (and free) paranormal investigation since the COVID 19 outbreak and we had a very successful and active night. Over 20 brave guests (many of them first-time investigators) were treated to a beautiful summer night at the mouth of Rock Canyon with lots of paranormal activity. This was the first time Advanced Paranormal Services investigated this venue, but because of the great location and the response of our guest, we are sure to do it again!
Thanks to our great team members who helped with this investigation: Amber C., Candace N., DeAnn T., Don T., Jamie C., Laura R., Mike F.
Leslie’s Family Tree Restaurant
Paranormal Investigation
Saturday, March 4, 2020
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Santaquin, Utah

One of our most popular and most requested venues, Leslie’s Family Tree Restaurant investigations always sells out and these investigations were not any different. These investigations included dinner (with scones “as big as your head”) and lots of paranormal activity. Have you met “Lucy, the demon princess”? Well, “she” is a treat. Because of the size of the restaurant, we keep the size of this investigation under 20 guests to reduce evidence contamination. We hope to return to this venue in early 2021.