Astrology and Aliens

Castle and DeAnn sit down and talk astrology and aliens! Rob Barnes sits down and tells Castle all his life lessons will be resolved by December… 2077 and DeAnn learns she has a gooey center. Then Chase Kloetzke who talks UFOs and aliens!


Tim, Castle and DeAnn sit down for more guest at the Utah Paranormal Expo. Back by popular demand, Neuman the Utah Medium! The group also talks with Lawrence Liebroder, a life coach and organizer of the event, and Mrs. Kitty from the Eastern Utah Historical Society.

Cano versus Neuman

Tim and Castle are back at the Meta Physical Expo talking to Neuman the Utah Medium, and Brian Cano from Haunted Collector. Brian Cano reveals how he got started in TV and how he ended up on the Haunted Collector. Neuman reveals Tim’s past life as a civil war officer!